The Impact of Mindfulness on Your Child’s Overall Health

Incorporating mindfulness techniques into your child’s routine can have a positive impact on their physical, emotional, and mental health. Here are five ways you can make a difference in your child’s by incorporating mindfulness techniques, training, and intervention into their daily routines.


  1. Promotes coping skills

    Incorporating mindfulness is a meaningful way to support the development of children's social-emotional skills. This helps children acquire the ability to tolerate, adapt, and respond to negative experiences and emotions.

  2. Encourages meaningful thought patterns

    Our brain has a tendency to dwell on negative thoughts. This is called negativity bias. Mindfulness teaches children the acceptance, awareness & understanding of different emotions while supporting positive and neutral thoughts

  3. Improves sleep quality

    Mindfulness training gives children the tools to calm the nervous system in preparation for sleep. These techniques evoke the body's relaxation response, which leads to improved sleep quality.

  4. Strengthens the immune system

    Mind-body interventions help regulate stress response. This reduces markers of inflammation and improves immune function by mitigating children's susceptibility to infections.

  5. Promotes discipline for healthy habits and routines

    Mindfulness practice can dramatically improve physical, emotional, and mental health. The earlier children get started, the sooner they can enjoy all its positive effects and develop habits that they can sustain into adulthood.

Finally, mindfulness allows children to enter a calm, relaxed space which encourages increased attention, which is essential for language development.

Published in collaboration with Christine Delisser of Kartari Yoga


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