Why You Should Come Down To Your Child’s Eye Level
A quick reframing tip I like to share with my families early on is to “get low”! I can’t stress this point enough: your child is little and from their point of view, you are a walking, talking human tower.
Here are 5 benefits to coming down to eye-level, besides getting a front-row seat at the cutie pie show:
Captures their attention
It helps you capture your child’s attention and promotes joint attention.
Validates their interests
It signals to your child that they are important, shows that you are listening, and validates their interests.
Increases visual access
It allows your child to see you better. This makes gestures, facial expressions, oral movements, and verbal models more visually accessible, which in turn, makes them easier to imitate.
Increased auditory access
It allows your child to hear you better, especially in the presence of competing noise.
Incentivizes the relationship
It helps set the stage for a warm and welcoming interaction and incentivizes the relationship.
So grab a chair, get on your knees, or lay on the floor and watch the magic happen!