5 Ways to Make Stroller Walks More Engaging

Why should you spice up your stroller walk? To boost language, engagement, and fun for your little one!

Here are 5 ways to make stroller walks more engaging for everyone!

  1. Take breaks along the way and have your child get out and explore the area.

    Children of all ages benefit from the freedom of exploring a new, safe, grassy area.

  2. Talk about what you see along the way.

    A great way to support language development is to comment about the world around you!

  3. Use verbal routines like "ready set ... go".

    These are great for targeting core vocabulary. Core vocabulary provides building blocks for expanding communication.

  4. Have your child guess what you're looking at using simple descriptions.

    This helps support your child's receptive language by teaching descriptive features.*

  5. Get silly by having your child tell you how to move the stroller.

    Not only is this fun, but it offers sensory input and teaches your child how to direct action.

Published in collaboration with Emily McCue, co-founder of the Bloom and Shine Group.


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