7 Snow Day Activities to Encourage Speech and Language

Snow days are the perfect opportunity to target speech and language targets while still having fun! Check out these 7 snow day activities to do just that!

  1. Make snow people
    Making snow people is a time-tested and beloved snow day activity. You can target following one-step directions, understanding of basic and descriptive concepts, and labeling body parts.

  2. Draw in the snow

    Find an unmarked patch of snow and have your child draw a picture or write their name in the snow. To add movement, have your child create the drawing by jumping or stepping. To add color, mix food coloring and water in a spray bottle and have your child paint the snow.

  3. Make hot cocoa

    After a long day of playing in the cold, warm up with some hot cocoa while working on sequencing, requesting, following directions, action words, and themed vocabulary.

  4. Make snow angels

    Making snow angels is another time-tested snow day activity. Get ready by deciding what clothing and accessories you’ll need to wear to keep warm, then work on “open” and “close” to make the perfect snow angel. You can also work on coordination!

  5. Watch a movie

    Cozy up and watch a movie while staying warm inside. Before watching the movie, make some predictions about what will happen, and discuss throughout. After watching talk about your favorite parts of the movie and identify which predictions were right.

  6. Have a snowball fight

    Get moving and have a snowball fight! Work on descriptive concepts (frozen, soft), following directions, and action words (throw, roll)! This is also a great opportunity to work on fine and gross motor skills!

  7. Bake a treat

    Baking offers great opportunities to target action words, sequencing, and following directions. In the end, you get to eat the final product!


5 Ways to Fight the Winter Wiggles


Join Me on January 15th for the Expand Your Impact Retreat!