5 Ways to Help Baby Say Mama and Dada

As parents, we are always anxiously waiting to hear our Little Ones say our names.

I collaborated with Jackie of Ascend Pediatric Therapies to bring you 5 fun ways to encourage your child to say your name!

Please note that these strategies are applicable to all family structures and caregivers, outside of just “mama” or “dada”.

  1. Peek-A-Boo

    Replace saying “peek a boo” with, “where’s (mama, dada,)?” And “Mama/Dada!” When you reveal your face! This lets your child hear your name and pair it with a clear view of your face in real time.

  2. Hide & Seek

    Duck behind the couch or a nearby door and play, “where’s mama/dada?” When you pop out from your hiding space, repeat your name while pointing to yourself!

  3. Look at Family Pictures Together

    Grab a baby-friendly picture album and point to/name family members as you see them. When you get to yourself, point and name the picture, and then point to and name yourself!

  4. Greet caregivers excitedly as they enter the room

    The simplest activity, but still super effective! Excitedly point and say the caregiver’s name when they enter the room. This is also great for working on waving and saying Hi!

  5. Sing a Hello Song

    We know that song routines are a great way to boost our Little Ones’ language - they are repetitious, engaging and our little ones know what to expect! Pick a favorite hello song. (We love “Hello Everybody!” From #musictogether, and “Hello! Hello!” From @supersimpleofficial ) to sing with your child. Make sure to pause before you say your name to give them the chance to fill in!

Written in collaboration with Jackie Anderson, Owner of Ascend Pediatric Therapies


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